domingo, 16 de novembro de 2008

For You

For the first time in my life I cannot wait until Tuesday. Week ends seem so long without you. Tuesday I might finally see you again! Tuesday you will hold me into your arms, you will just look at me with this special look that turns me upside down and I will kiss your pretty face, hands...

You just came into my life in an unexpected way, a way I could not imagine or even think of. You came out and everything is changing for me little by little giving me new hopes and plans.
The more I know you the more, I like you. Is it normal? Are you my Mr Right? I don't know but I would like to.

It should not have been this way, so quick, so real but I am glad it happenned.

I did not want to share in this blog my personal life or feelings but at this point I just want to say to the world how happy I am, hoping that it is not a mirage! I am living a dream and that's the most important!!!

Thank YOU for being who you are....
(See you on tuesday?)

domingo, 26 de outubro de 2008

What is happenning?

Sometimes life give you nice surprises but it sometimes appears not to be so fantastic as it seemed. The question is Why?
Why are things changing? why do you have bad surprises? why can't you understand what happened to change everything?
Why are you so stupid not understanding what's wrong?

Please explain.

sábado, 11 de outubro de 2008

Our society is Individualistic or not?

Hi everyone!

During the last years you see that our society is mor and more individualistic.
In supermarkets you will find many products in 1 portion and not familiar size anymore (at least now you can chose). You see also the video games that are rather to play alone than in group.
People stay hours and hours in front of their computer and big cities are bigger and bigger and you do not even know your neighbours.
To my mind it is not a bad aspect as I were a single child I got used to play alone, I don't like to waste food and individual portions are just perfect and if I don't know much about my neighbours that's fine in the way that they won't know or speak about my personal life.

However during the last 10 days I have experienced the other side of this wonderful society.
I have had a problem in a leg and I could not walk nor drive. After going to a hospital they gave me a special treatment that I had to make in the free clinic.
Now comes the funny part:
- if I couldn't drive nor walk how could I go home? a friend drove me
- if I couldn't walk how could I go to the free clinic everyday - when the access is via big stairs (no lift)
- how can I get drugs if I can't to the chemistery
- how can I go to the next day's appointment with the doctor if I was not supposed to move?

If everyone is assuming that big cities are more and more individualistic why is nothing ready or prepared for people leaving by themselves? I really enjoyed those days to understand all the illogical aspects of our wonderful "modern" society!

Anyways I have to thank all people that gave me a hand those days...
See you all soon

domingo, 14 de setembro de 2008

You're not 15 anymore

Hi everyone,

Thee other day a friend of mine told me "you're not a teenager anymore"! It was quite a shock! I believed that I would be a teenager for all my life! However I started to think about my life at that time and now and I would like to share it with you:

Back in Teenage times (+/-15 y.o):
- back to school - for me there were nice times (good student) with very nice friends that are still in my life and heart
- live with my parents which were very nice BUT had their own rules such as "we will take you at midnight at your friend's house and don't even be 2 minuites late!".
- allways have to explain why, where, when and with whom each time we want to go out (even during the day).
- have to be there and allways eat what they are eating even it is not our cup of tea
- have to smoke in secret
- secret boyfriends
- no personal transportation mean
- nothing to do at home (no domestic tasks or very few)
- no worries about €€€ as we don't have and parents give it to us (after a very good explanation)

Now (about 12 years later):
- live by yourself - some rent to pay, food, all stuff for home to pay
- all domestic tasks are under your responsibilty
- smoke in front of everyone
- only cook (when you cook) what you like and at the time YOU want (even though lunch can be at 3 or 4pm)
- no problem to exit at midnight - noone to report to!
- Go out everytime you want, where you want, because you want and with the people you wish!
- you have your own car or your friend's one so easier to go out!
- you work

Resume: Why feeling sad about our teenage time if now we have more freedom, independance and we are the ones who really decide what to do of our free times??? of course financial aspect only depends from us and life is not really easy on that times but this is the price to pay for independance!

I am personnaly really but really happy not to be 14 anymore and to be able to make my own schedule without asking anmyone's permission!
27 is another way of saying FREEDOM!

segunda-feira, 1 de setembro de 2008


Long time no see for a lot of reasons. One of them being lack of inspiration! I am not in a very good mood to write the kind of texts I usually write but I can not stay quite when I see stupid thinks happening!

Last WE as almost every week end or day, one young guy was shot because of a stupid reason: a car! Is there anyways any good reason to shoot someone?
Isn't there any other way to solve problems or diferences than violence? I can imagine that testosterone or any other hormone can be the reason of many fights but shooting someone? Should we now all leave with a gun because we never know???
Someone today was saying that when one shoots someone else it should suffer the same because being in jail is not a real punishment! Is it the solution? I don't believe so!!!
I want to believe that education should be the key of this situation! People gaining respect for the otrhers! Understand that not all means justify a aim.

Anyways I won't wright more just to say bye to João Paulo who used to work in the same company as I do and for this time, the news did not sound only like "one more accident/fight" to me but a real shock!

segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2008

Elderly People

Hi everyone!

here come a topic that really concerns me! People get chocked when they here me saying that I do not like old people (some exceptions to this sentence however). Why?

I would ask the question the other way round: why do we HAVE TO love elderly people?
They are the memory of our family/country/you name it but what kind of memory! A very selective one, as we all have, and most of the time restricted to 1 or 2 moments in life.

When their capacity reduces, they always keep on thinking they can stay home and be independent! How is it possible to be so far from reality? Aren't elderly people supposed to be wiser? yeah, tell me about it!

What I rather prefer to stress out are every day moments like we all have seen, i.e.:

- most elderly people are already retired and have time to do whatever they want, whenever they want (according to their capacity), so why do they keep on going to the supermarket when most people can? do they really like queuing?

About queuing, if they go shopping when the others also go, why do they want to make younger people to wait or to give them their turn? Aren't they there to queue? And if they go on the same time as the others not to feel so alone, then shouldn't they just wait for their turn?

I love when they say that younger people have a hudge lack of respect towards them! That "it was better before and now the society is perverse!" is just one of my favourite sentences. But why do I only hear "dirty compliments" from people that do not have their own teeth anymore?

And why, when they bump us on the stress, they never apologize? why don't they great you first when they see you somewhere? and why do they almost never answer back when you are being polite? However if you don't say anything you will be defined as Rude!

And my favourite one, why do they allways think they have the right to judge or give their opinion about everyone's lives even though they almost do not know them? and give their advise about something they do not even remember?

I must be subjective on this case, but the real question is: why should I pretend I like them when it is not the case?

segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2008

How to Cheat on someone

Nowadays we are on a zapping period however we feel more and more lonely so when we catch someone it is better to try to keep it! The thing is we allways would like to know wether the other channel is better than ours or not... here come some tricks to help you to cheat on your partner in the way that suits you:

- Traditionnal way:
You meet someone that makes you doubt or think about trying. This is the longest way that might imply the seduction part and maybe some emotional one. This way can affect your present relationship as it is more emocional and the other part might feel it.
The biggest risk about it is that people you meet come from your circles: either a friend of a friend or from your work environment. This means that the other person can try to blackmail you and you might be discovered (sms, phone calls, special looks, etc).
Not that good.

- Little ads in the newspaper: same risks as above just because you don't know who is going to answer to you.

- the more fashionable way is definitely the internet and in this one you have several ways:

* sites like: or, you name it, are just there to help you! You find the pictures and the computer will try to make the perfect match thanks to your specification!

* ads over the internet that allow some contacts before a meeting but it is allways harder than the previous ones as you might not see any picture and you might have no answer back.

Please pay attention to these points if you do not want to be discovered:

- Allways delete those sites from the Review of the computer;
- Use a new email adress to those contacts and do not let it signed in or registered on your PC;
- Never keep contacts in easy access places, i.e. mobile phone, purse, pockets, etc;
- Change regularily your passwords;
- Never underestimate your partner and allways believe he/she can find out!

I hope that I helped you! Now you just have to chose the best way for you.... and enjoy!

Take care!

domingo, 20 de julho de 2008

The Hairdresser

Women are used to go to the hairdresser. We allways or many times want to change our aspect to whatever reason.
I do however have 2 problems when I go.
1st - they never really understand what we want and some of them love to make what they want to and not what we want! Because of that it happened to me once that I became almost blond and never allowed this lady to even think about touching my hair again!

For me the worse aspect is that I usually go out from a hairdresser I have the feeling that I look like an elderly lady! I allways look at least 20 years older than what I really am! Huge hair, brushing too pushy it is definitely frustrating! Most of my friends have the same feeling than mine and now comes a logical question:
Why don't they change their way of doing? why do they keep on making the same mistakes if noone likes the pushy brushing? why do they want us to look likeTina Turner????

To my mind or at least in my case, the day after is usually much better as the brushing is about gone and this is The day I look much better, better to say : best!

After washing my hair I just look like a rat! Nothing to do with what it could be just... a rat!

Really frustrating not to be able to make a normal brushing or to have a great look when I want to! I am definitely allways looking forward how my hair decide to be today! It is allways a surprise but not allways a good one! But this is my own problem and not the one of hairdressers!

Anyways, if anyone should have the answer to my question, please give me the clue because I am really curious about that!

After such a deep thought I think it's time for me to go to bed...

Take care!

quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2008

I am Back

Hi Everyone,

long time no see...
In the past I created a blog to let you ~know about my new life, about all the changes that happened... it was 3 years ago when I left my friends and country to follow a dream, the dream of Love. I believd this love was Real Love but.....
Now I come back, after 3 years I understood that this was not what I wanted, expected etc. No regrets anyways! We cannot regret anything we have done! It was definitely what I belived was right and so I was right to go ahead! Life taught me : never ever regret what you do. Never mind if you are wrong in the end it is allways a good experience and you learn... afterwards Life is all about learning...

So I am here and hope you will be here also,to comment,agree or disagree with the little thoughts I will have about anything that will occur to mu little brain! lol

This time I will be writting in English so that no need to translate and you will all understand!

See you and take care!

Love for all