quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2010

Fears part 2....

Why do I have the feeling that You are running away from mee? do I scare you? are you fed up with me?
So many questions into this little brain that get me so confuse.... would love to speak about it with you but I cannot... words don't come out and I am alsnost sure you don't want to speak about it...
Don't make fun on me....

segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010


It's always good to give advise - and I am good at that- to your friends like "fear should be used only to move on etc". However it is always very easy to say it rather than doing it!

I am just afraid to move on! Don't want to suffer again and because of that I decided last year not to be involved again.. at least not emotionally for the next 25 years! Almost a year have passed and I've been quite good with this decision.

But you showed yup in my life! You were not in my plans and I am just scared! Simply scared without knowing whether you think of me the same way and essentially wondering wether it shouldn't be safer to fly away from you...

Just wondering....