Hi everyone!
here come a topic that really concerns me! People get chocked when they here me saying that I do not like old people (some exceptions to this sentence however). Why?
I would ask the question the other way round: why do we HAVE TO love elderly people?
They are the memory of our family/country/you name it but what kind of memory! A very selective one, as we all have, and most of the time restricted to 1 or 2 moments in life.
When their capacity reduces, they always keep on thinking they can stay home and be independent! How is it possible to be so far from reality? Aren't elderly people supposed to be wiser? yeah, tell me about it!
What I rather prefer to stress out are every day moments like we all have seen, i.e.:
- most elderly people are already retired and have time to do whatever they want, whenever they want (according to their capacity), so why do they keep on going to the supermarket when most people can? do they really like queuing?
About queuing, if they go shopping when the others also go, why do they want to make younger people to wait or to give them their turn? Aren't they there to queue? And if they go on the same time as the others not to feel so alone, then shouldn't they just wait for their turn?
I love when they say that younger people have a hudge lack of respect towards them! That "it was better before and now the society is perverse!" is just one of my favourite sentences. But why do I only hear "dirty compliments" from people that do not have their own teeth anymore?
And why, when they bump us on the stress, they never apologize? why don't they great you first when they see you somewhere? and why do they almost never answer back when you are being polite? However if you don't say anything you will be defined as Rude!
And my favourite one, why do they allways think they have the right to judge or give their opinion about everyone's lives even though they almost do not know them? and give their advise about something they do not even remember?
I must be subjective on this case, but the real question is: why should I pretend I like them when it is not the case?
9 comentários:
Vou deixar este comentário em Português porque dá menos trabalho em fazer:
Ao contrário de ti sou uma pessoa que adora as pessoas idosas, tenho uma paciência de gigante para eles. Já fiz voluntariado num Hospital e tudo e gostava muito de passar algum tempo a fazer-lhes companhia. Adoro o meu avô, apesar de ele ser chato.
Quanto ao resto: bom, há excepções à regra... por exemplo. O meu avô acorda todos os dias ás 7h. Toma banho, toma o peq. almoço, trata do cão e sai para ir comprar pão, comprar o jornal. Ás 10h já está em casa e não sai mais....
et ben ca rigole pas !!! ça... c'est fait!!
heureusement que tous les papis et mamies sont pas tous pareils....tu fais une caricature poulette looool
Let me guess: your favourite character in Red Riding Hood is the wolf, right?
Como já dizia a minha Avó: "Lá chegarás!"
Bjs da "Porca"
Face à autant de verve, je n'ai qu'une chose à te dire :
Nous partons à la montagne. Valmorel. Deux semaines.
Your english is awful!!! Your line of thought would be more legible if you wrote in portuguese... Be Careful with what you write... To those who don't know you you seem pretty STUPID!!!
Toujours pas de notes ? Quite à avoir une adresse de blog autant avoir celle du blog que j'arrive à tenir...
http://tetederadio.vox.com/ est mon vrai blog
Os velhotes são o reflexo do passado...bom ou mau, foram vidas...a tua tb vai ser..teras muito que contar.......jocas
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