segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2008

How to Cheat on someone

Nowadays we are on a zapping period however we feel more and more lonely so when we catch someone it is better to try to keep it! The thing is we allways would like to know wether the other channel is better than ours or not... here come some tricks to help you to cheat on your partner in the way that suits you:

- Traditionnal way:
You meet someone that makes you doubt or think about trying. This is the longest way that might imply the seduction part and maybe some emotional one. This way can affect your present relationship as it is more emocional and the other part might feel it.
The biggest risk about it is that people you meet come from your circles: either a friend of a friend or from your work environment. This means that the other person can try to blackmail you and you might be discovered (sms, phone calls, special looks, etc).
Not that good.

- Little ads in the newspaper: same risks as above just because you don't know who is going to answer to you.

- the more fashionable way is definitely the internet and in this one you have several ways:

* sites like: or, you name it, are just there to help you! You find the pictures and the computer will try to make the perfect match thanks to your specification!

* ads over the internet that allow some contacts before a meeting but it is allways harder than the previous ones as you might not see any picture and you might have no answer back.

Please pay attention to these points if you do not want to be discovered:

- Allways delete those sites from the Review of the computer;
- Use a new email adress to those contacts and do not let it signed in or registered on your PC;
- Never keep contacts in easy access places, i.e. mobile phone, purse, pockets, etc;
- Change regularily your passwords;
- Never underestimate your partner and allways believe he/she can find out!

I hope that I helped you! Now you just have to chose the best way for you.... and enjoy!

Take care!

10 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Verdade, verdadinha, não estou a gostar muito... Pourquoi? On account of the english language. Warum?!...

Lena disse...

A Culpa é sempre do computador......separa pessoas em vez de as unir...fala alguem que tem o computador como

Anónimo disse...

Curta e grossa ! Mais directa não há ! Aprendam se quiserem :)

Anónimo disse...

Maybe I would have added this:
if you speak while you're sleeping: too bad!!! :-)))

... and in case you're not pretend your partner is crazy. assume chéri(e)


Anónimo disse...

The internet should only be used for it's original purpose: storing porn.
Anything other than that is imoral and I, personally, will not stand for it.

Carla Delgado disse...

O melhor mesmo é decidir ficar com a escolha que fizemos, para quê enganar? Para ter diversidade??? Nos dias que correm creio que não vale a pena, ou bem que se faz o compromisso ou não.
Better to chose wisely =D

Anónimo disse...

nao escrevas mais assim... it´s too deep!

Romain disse...

Merci pour ces conseils. Je vais donc essayer de ne pas les suivre... Mais c'est bon à savoir.
Content de te retrouver sur la toile même si j'avais un peu oublié mes notions d'anglais.

Anónimo disse...

fala a voz da tua experiência??
Pareces dona da palavra!boa rapariga!

Anónimo disse...

Trair e não ser descoberto não é uma arte, uma arte é não trair. E não é assim tão dificil dizer não, se gostarmos mesmo da outra pessoa, se o mundo não se resumir a uma palavra: EU!!!
Para nós, os imbecis, das emoções fortes e puras é facil dizer não.