sábado, 11 de outubro de 2008

Our society is Individualistic or not?

Hi everyone!

During the last years you see that our society is mor and more individualistic.
In supermarkets you will find many products in 1 portion and not familiar size anymore (at least now you can chose). You see also the video games that are rather to play alone than in group.
People stay hours and hours in front of their computer and big cities are bigger and bigger and you do not even know your neighbours.
To my mind it is not a bad aspect as I were a single child I got used to play alone, I don't like to waste food and individual portions are just perfect and if I don't know much about my neighbours that's fine in the way that they won't know or speak about my personal life.

However during the last 10 days I have experienced the other side of this wonderful society.
I have had a problem in a leg and I could not walk nor drive. After going to a hospital they gave me a special treatment that I had to make in the free clinic.
Now comes the funny part:
- if I couldn't drive nor walk how could I go home? a friend drove me
- if I couldn't walk how could I go to the free clinic everyday - when the access is via big stairs (no lift)
- how can I get drugs if I can't to the chemistery
- how can I go to the next day's appointment with the doctor if I was not supposed to move?

If everyone is assuming that big cities are more and more individualistic why is nothing ready or prepared for people leaving by themselves? I really enjoyed those days to understand all the illogical aspects of our wonderful "modern" society!

Anyways I have to thank all people that gave me a hand those days...
See you all soon

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

É claro que o individualismo da sociedade vai mais longe que isto, o transito e a forma de algumas (ou a maior parte) das pessoas conduzem é um bom exemplo diário, aqui sim era importante que as estradas fossem feitas em doses individuais, uma para cada um. E se cada um de nós colaborasse com uma atitude diaria para atenuar este individualismo, seria criticavel ser-se assim?
Em relação à mobilidade nos edificios supostamente destinados a todos já nem se fala, toda a gente sabe que é assim, toda a gente fala da importância de ser diferente mas nunca é. Eu até compreendo a dificuldade de mudar algumas estruturas já construidas só não percebo muito bem (e provavelmente o burro sou eu) é que novas estruturas sejam projectadas sem ter estes aspectos em linha de conta.
Os amigos que nos dão uma mãozinha quando estamos doentes é um bom começo, se bem que no teu caso dava jeito era uma perna, mas aí não te posso valer.
Espero que recuperes rapidamente.